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SAP for Retail

SAP for Retail SAP Canada Emerson Rush 2-min

Managing a business with multiple branches is a challenge for retailers, having to control factors such as inventory, supply chains, finances, employee payroll, among other aspects. SAP for retail is a tool that integrates all the functionalities that businesses need to collect, store, manage and make better decisions regarding the information of the activities of each department in one place, offering a simplified vision of the state of the company.

The retail sector is constantly facing challenges such as ant robberies, lack of order in inventory, poor monitoring of warehouse products, errors in the supply chain, lack of control of income and expenses in branches, little information reliable, among others. SAP for retail allows optimizing processes, minimizing the possibilities of errors, so that the company can obtain greater profitability and satisfaction of the end customer.

With SAP for retail you can manage:

• The merchandise in stock

• The points of sale

• Prices

• Promotions and discounts

• The number of employees

• Income and expenses

• Customer purchase history to create loyalty programs

• Returns and claims

• Forecast consumer demand and anticipate their needs

• Inventory, to reduce the costs of overbought

• Home deliveries, optimizing costs in lastmile distribution

SAP for Retail​ SAP Canada Emerson Rush

SAP for retail - inventory optimization

Detecting the useful life of raw materials, the expiration date, the good condition of the merchandise and ensuring that there is an optimal stock is essential for the company’s finances, since otherwise losses can be obtained. SAP for retail tracks these details and sends alerts for immediate action.

The platform allows centralizing the information of all branches in one place, so that the general administration of warehouses and stores will be simpler and more effective.

Purchase and employee management

Detecting which supplier is the one that offers the most profitable option is an arduous task for purchasing departments, since they must assess the price, the quality of the products, the payment facilities, financing, among other data that SAP for retail allows to simplify , by establishing purchase approval parameters at different levels to make the most profitable decisions for the company.

By having several branches, each must have a manager or administrator, as well as a group of employees, so it is often complex to know the number of hours they work, establish shifts, pay payroll, be up to date with their benefits and account for their commissions. With SAP for retail, employee monitoring is more effective, which in addition to allowing better control of company finances, helps create a better work environment. In addition, the software enables the generation of personalized sales reports, so that statistics can be analyzed to reward sellers, create reward programs and boost sales.

After-sales service is another point considered by SAP for retail, by simplifying the processes to respond to customer complaints and requests for returns, providing faster and more efficient customer service, without losses for the company; Likewise, in the event of incidents with a client, they can be registered, classified and generate reports to maintain better control of each department.

SAP for Retail​ SAP Canada Emerson Rush
SAP for Retail​ SAP Canada Emerson Rush

SAP for retail sales modules

The sales modules allow the management of advances, partial payments, discounts, electronic invoicing and electronic commerce. Online sales are an area of ​​opportunity for retailers looking to stay competitive in a more virtual marketplace, which can operate 24/7 without having personnel or physical branches, and SAP ERP is an ally in optimizing operations for dabble in online sales, home delivery with last mile distribution and attract a new segment of consumers eager to buy.

The features of SAP for retail will help you overcome the main challenges in the sector, from the logistics chain to the last mile distribution in home purchases. Look no further, the solution you need for your franchise, chain of stores or points of sale, you will find it at Emerson Rush. Contact us for more information and advice, we will gladly assist you.